- General information
The 1st LATVIA - ISRAEL On-line Symposium of Autoimmunity will take place in Zoom platform on 16 March 2021, at 09:50.
The Symposium will be opened by Associate Professor Modra Murovska (RSU) and Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld (Sheba Medical Center).
During the Symposium researchers from Latvia and Israel will present their findings on topics related to autoimmunity, COVID-19, etc. and there also will be LIVE discussion in the discussion panel between the sessions.
Researchers and anyone interested in the subject of autoimmunity are welcome to participate in the first online Latvia and Israel symposium. All wishing to join can get connected through Zoom.
If you would like to participate, please contact Mr Yuri Ostrinski at Yuri[pnkts]Ostrinski
gmail[pnkts]com at your earliest convenience.
- Link to recorded Symposium
Following the big success of the 1ST Latvia-Israel symposium of Autoimmunity, please find enclosed the link to this recorded Symposium: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I771fLYhSGwYiEVzsvSO2ENDXp… . Feel free to watch and learn from it.
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