- General information
RSU is organising a seminar Enhancement of scientific manuscripts preparation quality within the framework of the project Reducing networking gaps between Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) and internationally leading counterparts in viral infection-induced autoimmunity research (VirA) that is supported by the EC Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The seminar will take place on 28 March, from 8:30 to 16:00 in the Hippocrates Lecture Theatre and will be led by Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld (Sheba Medical Centre, Israel).
The programme of the seminar covers various stages of preparation of a scientific article, from choosing the most suitable title, writing a summary and introduction to the preparation of a list of references. An analysis of specific scientific publications will be carried out, as well as time for questions and discussions will be provided.
All the interested parties are welcome to participate.
Due to the limited number of places on site, participation is organised in two ways:
– in person, in the Hippocrates Lecture Theatre, for the first 50 registered participants;
– remotely via Zoom.Registration form is available here. Please indicate the desired form of participation. Registration deadline: 24 March. The link for remote participation will be sent on 25 March.According to the epidemiological safety measures set by the Republic of Latvia, on-site participation is possible only for persons with a valid COVID-19 certificate. During the event, a medical face mask or respirator without a valve with a safety level FFP2 – FFP3 or KN95 must be used.
- Link to the recorded seminar
Watch the recording of the seminar here:
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